Ghi chú Tiếng_Hebrew

  1. Sephard [ʕivˈɾit]; Iraq [ʕibˈriːθ]; Yemen [ʕivˈriːθ]; Ashkenaz [iv'ʀis] hoặc [iv'ris]
  2. Trong Tanakh (Kinh Thánh Do Thái), tiếng Hebrew được gọi là Yehudit "ngôn ngữ của Judah" hay səpaṯ kəna‘an "ngôn ngữ của Canaan".[1][6] Sau đó JosephusPhúc Âm Gioan dùng thuật ngữ Hebraisti để chỉ cả tiếng Hebrew và tiếng Aram.[1]
  3. Sáenz-Badillos, Ángel and John Elwolde: "There is general agreement that two main periods of RH (Rabbinical Hebrew) can be distinguished. The first, which lasted until the close of the Tannaitic era (around 200 CE), is characterized by RH as a spoken language gradually developing into a literary medium in which the Mishnah, Tosefta, baraitot and Tannaitic midrashim would be composed. The second stage begins with the Amoraim and sees RH being replaced by Aramaic as the spoken vernacular, surviving only as a literary language. Then it continued to be used in later rabbinic writings until the tenth century in, for example, the Hebrew portions of the two Talmuds and in midrashic and haggadic literature."[8]